"If you can success in overnight, the world would be unfair.""Every drops of your tears, is a beginning of your laughter."
"If you can success in overnight, the world would be unfair.""Every drops of your tears, is a beginning of your laughter."
Have lots more to list. But those above are some of the highlights. I wish 2009 will lead me to better living and bring me more happiness to me and my family. Oh not to forget, sy harap sy dpt special BF pd June 2009. LOL. Aminnn ~ (hee. :P)
He is absolutely admirable. hot. sexy. haha. I i know it's lame. But look at his eyes, just say it all.
*eheh, cakap macam kenal dan pernah berjumpa je. haha ignore me for seconds for this !* :P
Special thanks to,
Soulmate, Natasha Bedingfield
But well, at least this raya walaupun exam, i still berkesempatan to do the Makan-makan Raya. Eventhough tk brape ramai yg dpt attend di sebabkan hal masing-masing, it's quite meriah. Thanks to those who came. :) These are some of the pictures taken during sepanjang Syawal.
Family Potrait (During 1st Raya)
Jika ada salah dan silap atau terkasar bahasa, maafkan saya.
Berhati-hati di jalan raya ye !
Selamat Hari Raya to all !
'Jiwa Kosong' was just a mirror statement.
To reflect what you've been missing and fouled.
Aku berdosa dgn Tuhan kerana membiarkan mu.
Membiarkan mu hanyut dan alpa dgn permainan hidup mu.
Aku menangis, kau tahu?
Aku kesal, dgn apa yg terjadi.
Aku kesal, dgn perubahan sikap mu.
Aku mengharapkan kau utk menemani ku.
Aku ingat, kau dpt mendidik dan membimbing ku.
Tapi kau dah jauh.
Jauh dpd jalan asal mu.
Ya Allah, ampunkanlah dosa aku dan dia.
Aku tahu aku salah.
Aku berdosa kerana membiarkannya.
Aku sedar aku lemah dgn godaannya.
Berikanlah aku kekuatan.
Berikan aku kekuatan utk melawan kelemahanku.
Ampunkanlah dosaku, Ya Allah.
Kau, sedarlah yg kau telah terlalu leka dan jauh.
Aku, sedar aku bukanlah terlalu bagus.
Aku bukanlah terlalu sempurna utk menegur kelekaan mu.
Tapi kerana sayang ku,
Aku tidak mampu melihat kau semakin alpa dgn permainan mu.
Maafkan aku jika kau marah, merungut tentang gmbr kelmarin.
Maafkan aku.
Zawani Zakaria
Last two night was a blastt ! had a very very great nite. Me, Afiq, Wan, Jeph, and 3 other Afiq's friends went to PICC for MIFC 08. They reached there about 5.30pm, and i reached about 1 hour later. It was raining all day long. But like Wan said, "kita jd photographer redha jela..". haha. So, we stayed, sambil bermain hujan dan menunggu dgn sabar for the fireworks. Sharp at 10pm, the fireworks started. Luckily, hujan berhenti kjp for about 10 mins , and everybody was so happy. and i, was sooo amazed with the fireworks. Smpai lalai nak click the camera. hehe. But it's not for long, hujan kembali lebat with angin yg agak kuat. And they still ain't gave up at all. Overall, the fireworks was great, i had so much fun with them, and they taught me lots about fireworks' shooting. Thanks a lot guys ! Can't wait for next session !
For more pictures, go to : www.flickr.com/photos/blissfulaniz