Wednesday, March 24, 2010

When can i see you again ?

After all the silence, I shall say hello 2010 to my blog. I've been bz with stuffs and been stop writing since last December. Life seems too good and I forget about the thing I used to do almost everyday, blogging.

I come across to someone's status in fb today, he stated, "Kasih Sayang ni milik Allah.. kita hanya menjaganya, Yg menentukan Hanya Allah.. AllahuRahmanuRRAhim.. Allah Yang Membalik balikkan hati manusia."

and I paused. Hanya Tuhan yang mampu membuka dan menutup hati seseorang. Sometimes kita terlalu leka. We often think about where did we go wrong when something bad happen to a relationship. And worst, we blame others when it happens. and I unfortunately tak terlepas dpd berfikiran begitu. I often asked myself where am I go wrong when I don't get like how I wanted, what more I can do to have it, etc. Tapi tanpa kita sedar, without keizinan-Nya for that to happen, it won't happen even how hard we tried.


Our intention or niat. Mungkin jika memperbetulkan niat, Tuhan akan mengizinkan. Everything's start with good intentions; to do something, to love someone, to achieve your goals, just everything.

When I lose faith to something, I learn now that to always look back to my intentions. Why did I decide to this and that, why did I choose him, or love him and etc. And I believe, God hv a better plan for us. Life goes on. Maybe one day my time will come. I just need to hold strong.

It's just a matter of time I'm sure,
It takes time and I will hold on.

"Ya Allah, kau tabahkanlah hatiku, berikan aku kekuatan, dan iman yang teguh. Aku insan yang terlalu lemah, lindungilah aku daripada godaan syaitan. Kau Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang, murahkan rezeki ku, berkatilah segala nikmat dan kebahagiaan yang telah Kau kurniakan kpd ku. Kau Maha Mengetahui segala isi hati ku dan kepadaMu aku berserah. "