Dear diary,
i supposed to write this entry on my birthday, 1st June. Tp tk smpat kerana too many thngs need to settle. So today, i'm proud to announce that i'm officially 23 yrs old ! hehe. What's so special about 23? Em, nothing much. It meant alot because masa umur mak sy 23 lah dia kahwin dan sy dilahirkan pada tahun berikutnya. hee, tibe2 je. *My mom specially emphasize about this when she called me to wish happy birthday* Motif? Lol, i don't knw. But yes, i have a lot of planning for this yr on my 23rd, and for the next yrs ahead. My career, personal life, car, house. Marriage? Err, tgu dulu la eh mama? hehe. It's a long journey to go, and yet, i know right now i am not daydreaming. Not anymore. I'll make it happen, i'll make it true. I know life is not perfect, always ups and downs. But i believe, life's kind. When you're down, it's a one step closer to your dream. Just never give in. I just pray to God, to bless me with the greater strength, and with a clearer heart for me to achieve my dream and better life. I'll try to fix my bad temper, my harsh words semasa berckp, and some other bad attitude in me. I know i swear a lot sometimes. Oh and my clumsiness too. ish ish. So, wish me luck ! ngee. :P
Special thanks to Mama and Ayah yang bnyk bersabar dgn kerenah anak pertama nya. haha.
Thank you to Angah, Alang and Adik for all the stupid-est, fun, and mcm2 moment bersama.
Thank you to Rafiq, for guiding me alot in photography. Thnk you sifu !
Thank you to Azfar, for being my driver. haha joke. but you help me alot. :) *TGI Friday next week ok ! hee.*
Thank you to Bee and K.ina for the funn moment together.
Thank you to Qase, sbb bnyk teman sy ketika sy down. *Ye, igt tk moment di tepi swimming pool? hehehe. ;P *
Thank you to Aizam, kerana kau bnyk ubah aku walaupun kau agak harsh. :P
Thanks to Fairuz, without your kindness, i don't knw where i gonna turn to. :)
And thank you to everyone, and all my other frnds.
I wish for the best. Regards.
awww.... pasal kawen jgn pikir sangat. pasal tangkap pic kawen orng kena pk sangat2.. hahahah
ye btl. tp takut gak, i duk amik gmbr org kawen, tp i tk kawen smpai ke sudah. haha. tkpe, right now i am enjoying life bebeh and i'm gonna work thngs out ! ;)
ur bufday present from me.... i jadik dribar u nak..? hik hik hik
wani chan!
i like the pic
u look sweet sgt =))
mule2 nk wish jgk ikut sms tp segan..
so, mintak maap la wish kecik je kat cni..
*belated mode*
jgn lupe org kat cni if nk naek pelamin..
wishing u all d best in life..
my Allah bless u..
Azfar : boleh. nk jd sepenuh masa drebar ke part time drebar? :P Lol.
Nor : hehe, thnk u farizah. maybe the tone made me looks like dat. :P
Cairo: Thnks chot ! eh anas. eh what should i call u? :P blaja elok2 k. Fairuz ada bg tahu dlm msg dh hari tu actly. hehe. anyway, take care ! may god bless u too. :)
walaupun saya rasa fairuz terakhir itu bukan untuk saya, tapi saya mahu percaya itu saya. huahahaha~
eh. lupaa. awwwww~ :')
anda juga byk contribute dlm stupid moment itu ok. haha :P
i prefer it 2 b alang then fairuz..
guna alang laen kali k?
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