Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Oh-so-simple .

Wanna get healthy snacks? Get tired of eating fruit at the same way? Try this ! *ceh padahal dh ramai tahu.* hehe. But anyway, this is my favourite!

I love orange. but paling malas nk kupas kulit. tapi takkan nk mkn orange dgn kulit skali kan? so nk tak nk, terpaksalah kupas dulu..

So, all you need ..

2 oranges
1 spoonful of sweetened milk or better known as susu pekat manisss *nk lebih manis, bole tmbh beberapa sudu yg anda nk, tp jgn lebih2, nnti tk jd healthy snack dh*
4 cubes of ice. *nk lebih pn tk pe, sukati anda*

Cara-cara :
1. Peel the orange using knife, cut it into small cubes. Put it in a bowl.
2. Mix the orange with a spoonful of sweetened milk.
3. Add some ice. and Tadaaaa !

Yep ready to serve.

Senang sgt smpai rasa menyampah kn? Yea, it's too easy smpai kadang2 org pandang remeh tentang benda yg mudah tapi tk mengamalkannya, lagi2 in taking 2 serving of fruits everyday. *reminder to myself actually. hehe.*

Okay, sebenarnye ayah sy yg start buat mcm ni dulu. hee. Ayah mmg pakar tentang makanan utk kesihatan.
So, terima kasih ayah. :D


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