Err apa kena mengena ngan title entry? :P It's just a brief what i love most about today. hee. :)
Well, i was 'cooking' maggie when i heard one of my housemate cried in the other room tonite. I thought she was talking to somebody and crying or sthng. But it's getting worse and i sneak out her room to see if she's ok. Obviously she didn't. She didn't get over her past relationship totally. I talked to her for a minutes, tried to make her feel good again, but i know it's all depends on her to make thngs better.
Yes, it's about when a girl love a guy. It's about healing the break-up. It's about when we couldn't make up, and moving on when the good thngs in the past shadowed everything. Sucks rite? Trust me, i know how it feels.
When i'm done talking to her, i sat outside and reminiscing. Somehow her story reminds me of my past. I've been through that situation. I've been burned a lot, hurt a lot. I've been through the state i nearly killed myself when i love a guy too much. The day when i couldn't stand on my own feet, when i couldn't moving on with my life.
I let myself living in despair, in guilty and blamed myself for everything had done between the relationship. Love is blind. No? My heart was blinded by the love. You'll keep all the good memories, and you left all the fights and arguments behind when you're in healing process. You'll try to fix thngs which already broken. It makes you weak, it makes you feel like there's no one can replaced him anymore.
But trust me, it's all worth the pain. Sun will shine after the rain. :)
Alhamdulillah.. Today, i am glad to be who i am.
Every single thngs happen in my life build me to be a tougher person. Time by time i learn to face the real world. It taught me to see life in many side, in different colors. It's not easy, but it's worth 1000 times.
Well girl, all you need to do is to learn to love yourself more. To appreciate yourself, and believe that you could stand by your own feet no matter what happen. If it's not you, then who? Your life, your future, your everythng is all depends on you. Not him, no one. It's just YOU. Take a very good care of your own heart. Build strong faith in you. You're sure you can survive it. :)
Tiba-tiba rasa lega. Ntah? *senyum*

thank you so much for this post...
Kak lang : *senyum*
Haidar : You're most welcome haidar. it's just little bit sthng i can share. :)
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