Friday, July 31, 2009

The day that ONE day can change everything .

I wake up this morning with grateful feeling, i'm still standing in the real world. I am not dreaming nor try to change an illusion to reality. I feel fresh surprisingly, like i slept for 10 hours. Like i had beautiful dream last night. I believe in fairy tales story u know?

Dear Diary,

I was sitting on a bench at the playground last night. I thought i was strong enough to tell the truth. Yes, you must be thinking i'd be strong enough to make it through. Time takes time, i can't hold on. I've draw the lines, but i crossed them too. It's too late to turn back, i know i just need to let it out.

Like i'm having strong guts inside, i started everything. I've mixed it up. i spoiled. I spilled the secret. I let myself looks like a fool. I let myself lose my control. For just one second, i lose it all.

Tuhan, aku keliru.
Apa ini dugaan Mu? Apa ini hanya ujian untuk ku?
Jika benar, berikan aku kekuatan.
Beri aku kekuatan untuk aku tempuh segala ujian ini, kesabaran untuk aku terus tenang dlm membuat keputusan. Tuhan, aku ini terlalu lemah bagai boleh disepak dek angin, bagai boleh ditampar hanya dgn satu tentangan mata.
Buta. Hati ini terlalu inginkan kebahagiaan. Mungkin kekosongan?
Ampunkan hambaMu yang daif ini.

I know things happen. I didn't plan for falling. You knew about it. I'm not that strong to keep it long enough. I'm just scared if i don't show it out. One thing you should know, you gv me something.

It's a little heart.
Maybe i'm just amazed by you.
