- Sentosa, the best part was : the Luge and scenery at night.
- Vivo City, took picture smpai lebam ! :PSentosa.
before riding the luge.

my family and makteh's family at Vivo city.
Day 2, 23/12 :
- Picnic and BBQ at Marina Parade. (it was fun, but we couldn't overnight there due to heavy rain. too bad.)
- at night, dinner at Mak's Place at Changi Rd.

Aqil di buli. hihi.
L-R : kngah, mama, ayah, wak sidek, auntie saimah, uncle, (tk igt nama, sorry~), auntie ein, pak teh, mak teh, aqil, adik, me and klang was the photographer.
enjoying the food.
Pak teh & Mak teh
me & adik
Day 3, 24/12 :
- Lunch at Mak Lang's hse. (we had nasi beriyani and kari kepala ikan special from Pak Lang. hihi.)
- Dinner at Auntie Ein's hse (Christmas Eve Dinner. great food !)
- Christmas Eve at Orchard Rd, tp tk smpat smpai bcos it was damn heavy traffic. so instead of that, we headed to Esplanade.
- Shopping at Mustaffa's at 2AM !

suasana di living room.

at the Esplanade.
Day 4 , 25/12 :
- Relax & easy, movie marathon. (in fact, we did it from the 1st day. ehehe.)
- Enjoy lunch at Aqil's hse. (special from pak teh, bolognese and marinated chicken)
::. and special thanx to Pak teh & Mak teh for brought us jalan-jalan and makan-makan. tk lupa juga to Mak Lang & family and Auntie Ein & family for the great food. lain kali kita buat gathering lagi yah ! :) "Uniquely Singapore .." (pakteh's favourite word. hehehe.)