Me: Say what bee?
Bee: P to the E, to the A, to the C, to the E. Peacee yaw !
P/S: The pictures will be updated later kerana gua dh kepenatann yg amat. sumpah ngantok. ok, chow.
When I almost left out, when i almost gave up,
I remember,
Your hope .
Your love .
Your wish .
Your tenderness .
Because you're the first on my mind. Mom & Dad
I'll remember,
your dream Merc kompressor,
your dream vacation to Mecca,
your dream house,
my EOS 50D,
my dream Audi,
my dream condo,
my mission,
and most importantly,
to support you, my love one.
I'll make it real,
It's a long journey,
It's not easy,
and i am on my way,
I'm gonna be right there.
Zawani Zakaria
Holding On by Taufiq Batisah