Sunday, August 31, 2008
Sweet Escape !
- State 15 weird things/ habits/ little known facts about yourself.
- The 10 people I tag are to then to follow my footsteps and write their own 15 weird things/habits and little known facts.
- No tag backs (as in once I’ve done this, please don’t tag this exact tag again.)
1. I am lefthanded. Lefthanded rules bebeh !
2. I am clouds watcher ! i lovee to watch sky and clouds moving. Even it slow, i just addicted to it.
3. I eat junk foods. When i get tensed and bored. Chachos and cheese nachos are my favourites !
4. I am friendly. Why? tk percaya? I know my face looks serious and fierce. But trust me, i can be soo talkative and laugh a lot.. :P
5. I love singing. Even my voice doesn't sounds sweettt. Like i care? :P
6. Wearing socks when i sleep. I felt more comfortable and safe.
7. Adore Jessica Alba's abs. Working out for that. *in my dream* haha.
8. I am Cleo and Female's die hard fans. Never miss to buy it. :P
9. I am emotional. So just bare with it and accept me for who i am. ehe.
10. Flip Flop. I wear it to almost anywhere. Got to say, i don't like heels either.
11. I do yoga. At least once a week, because i love my body, walaupun perut sy buncit sedikit. hahaha.
12. I lovee camera. Love to snap pictures, and take pictures of myself too. Oh vain? I am vain SOMETIMES.
13. I DON'T like dark ! Yes, i need light when i sleep. lampu kecik pn jadi laa..
14. Believe in my intuation. In most of the time and most of the things.
15. I loveee beach. So much that i can spend my time alone there, doing my own thing. Ohh can't wait for the next trip ! Boracay anyone? :)
I have limited of friends to be tagged, so i just tag :
1. Hid
2. Bee
3. Syma
4. Keyon
5. Afiq
Selamatt Berpuasa everyone !
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Fireworks (part 1) .
Last two night was a blastt ! had a very very great nite. Me, Afiq, Wan, Jeph, and 3 other Afiq's friends went to PICC for MIFC 08. They reached there about 5.30pm, and i reached about 1 hour later. It was raining all day long. But like Wan said, "kita jd photographer redha jela..". haha. So, we stayed, sambil bermain hujan dan menunggu dgn sabar for the fireworks. Sharp at 10pm, the fireworks started. Luckily, hujan berhenti kjp for about 10 mins , and everybody was so happy. and i, was sooo amazed with the fireworks. Smpai lalai nak click the camera. hehe. But it's not for long, hujan kembali lebat with angin yg agak kuat. And they still ain't gave up at all. Overall, the fireworks was great, i had so much fun with them, and they taught me lots about fireworks' shooting. Thanks a lot guys ! Can't wait for next session !
For more pictures, go to :
Saturday, August 23, 2008
My Body, Heart and Soul .

Having very very bad flu which i hate soo much .
Heartbroken and emm tak yah la bg tahu kenapa .
Empty heart, lonesome .
Depressss sbb kalah tournament.
Glad to have my dinner with my parents and adik.
Blessed and still smile.
Optimistic about the things i see ahead .
Tired and i need more rest .
and i just ..
need VACATION and sweet ESCAPE !
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Benci !
Why you hv to be dis complicated?
Why can't you be even abit kind and polite to me?
please !
I'm giving up on you now.
I can't stand anymore.
You just makes me sickk !
Do u knw that?
I'm restless, sleepless.
Just because of YOU !
Ohh please Mr. matlab,
Be kind, easy.
and i promise i'll be good to u.
Promise, i will.
ahh, mengantukkk. -_-
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Can't smile without you !
Y i had so much fun, hang out with my closest friend, Bee, K.ina, Hid and Sya. Lama tk bergelak ketawa dgn mereka ! We went makan-makan, gelak lg, bergossip, amik gmbr bnyk-bnyk, mkn lg. :D i'll definitely miss u guys after dis. u guys bright my dayy !
Y i met Syikin yg merindui sy. hehe. sy juga merindui anda. kebetulan terjmpa cik syikin di Pavillion bersama Kerry, Tumi dan rakan-rakan.
Y had my Donatello ! and bought some for my mom yg dh lama craving for too. hehe.
Y i'm so happy to get to know that, Greg, peluk islam. Alhamdulillah. I'll pray that Allah will always guide you to the right path and to be a good Muslim. In'Allah..
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
swing swing !
3rd August .

thanks to mr. Rafiq for this idea.
i was grateful,
- to meet a new friend frm flickr, mr. Rafiq. he's cool !
- learn a lot about the art of shadow and soul of photography from mr. Rafiq.
- met my senior prefect during i was in secondary school at Permata Camp, Bangi. thought she didn't recognize me. hehe.
- had my roti canai at night, after long time craving for that. haha. :P
4th August .
i was grateful,
- i had fun at Permata Camp. 'aksi terlampau crew PIPE' berlaku. ah damn! i fall down frm swingg. ntah macam mane bole jatuh. they were laughing tk igt dunia. haha but i was laughing all the way too.
- having a goood and yummilicious lunch with the crew.
- to be at my parent's home again. :)
Sunday, August 3, 2008
M a m a
Catching me in places that I know I shouldn't be
Every other day I crossed the line
I didn't mean to be so bad
I never thought you would become the friend I never had
I didn't want to hear it then but
I'm not ashamed to say it now
Every little thing you said and did was right for me
I had a lot of time to think about, about the way I used to be
Never had a sense of my responsibility
Back then I didn't know why
Why you were misunderstood (So now)
So now I see through your eyes
All that you did was love
Mama I love you
Mama I care
Mama I love you
Mama my friend
Mama by Spice Girls
Happy 46th Birthday Mama !
May Allah Bless you always.
Reality Check .

Horoscope for August 3, 2008.
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)
It can be tough to get your feelings across to someone, but it's totally impossible to do so when you won't spill the beans! Do you really think they can read your mind? And even if you give them tons of clues to figure out how you feel, they could easily misread them. The only way this thing is going to move forward is for you to use words! Tell them what's been on your mind. They're ready to hear it, and eager to tell you what's been on their mind!
ahh, i wish and i wish i could do so. but do he really wanna hear it? i don't know.. blaahh. -_-' keep it untold.