Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Mari Memasak !

aha i often cook at home now to cut down my budget and to keep my diet. ahaks diet la sgt ~ :P and besides, memasak juga bole hilang kan stress anda. hee.

Easy BP Chicken.

Bahan-bahan :

1 boneless chicken breast
BBQ sauce or teriyaki sauce (marinate purpose)
1/2 onion (dipotong dadu)
1 teaspoon of black pepper coarse (yg kasar nya)
1 teaspoon of white pepper (yg halus nya)
1 tablespoon of soy sauce or kikkoman sauce
tomatoes (dipotong dadu)
wheat tortillas or bread.

Cara-Cara Memasak :

  1. Marinate chicken ngan bbq sauce or teriyaki sauce in a container dan biarkan dlm fridge selama beberapa jam.
  2. Panas kn butter dlm pan, tp jgn biarkan pan terlalu panas ye.
  3. Masukkan onions yg sudah dipotong, chicken yg sudah di marinate.
  4. Fry until the chicken is tender, kemudia masukkan soy sauce or kikkoman sauce, black pepper coarse and white pepper, then stir it about 6-7 minutes.
  5. Wrap it with wheat tortillas or bread.

or u can just eat it with fresh lettuce and tomatoes, if u want. (my favourite!)

sekian. :P


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Saya mahu link kamu pada page saya. Boleh ka?