ngantuk ngantuk ! and sgt letihh ! been bz with the preparation for the fashion show smlm kt alamanda, the whole day ~ from 10am to 11pm.. preparations was from the beginning show till the mrs worlds late dinner and birthday party.. sgt la bnyk benda nak kene buat.. i was in charge of setting for the dinner.. then, i made choc brownies, sushi and ate lots of sushi last nite also.. hee.. overall, it was fun and so tiring.. then the most interesting part was we had a chance to communicate and see how's the mrs universe act in real.. they was just fun, and exhilarating. and so vain. haha, sah2 la kan..

brownies in making .

sushi .

me & apek yg sengal . :D

me in the changing room .
dan hari ni? ponteng the whole class. bagus btl.. next week i have another hectic week againnn. 2 midterms, 1 lab submission and discussion for the analog assgmnt.. dh laa kene buat FM radio receiver.. blerrgh ! another 2 weeks to go wey ! harap2 smpat siap kan.. and oh, can't wait for dis weekend.. ~ the end year birthday celebration.. hopingg and wonderingg wut am i gonna get for the presents dis year.. ngee..