Sometimes, i wanted to be like you ..
sometimes, i wish i could have everything ..
to be happier each and every time ..
to fly,
and jump high to reach the sky ..
And sometimes,
i wish i could have you forever .
i wish i could be whatever you want me to be ..
stylish and feminine ..
calm and gentle ..
cool and patient ..
always be there to hold your hands ..
But here i am ..
always lose a chance ..
cold and impatient .
i can't be your superwoman ..
i can't be your everything ..
though i've tried, nothing's seems right again .
As i sleep, and i dream ..
that one day you will back in my arms,
but another day when i wake up,
i realize a dream is just a dream ..
and you can't stop time,
and make it as how you want it to be .
And now i understand ..
happiness is all about to enjoy every moments ..
fall or rise, i will gladly stand,
to be as i am ..
who cares bout what others say,
cos everything is a challange ..
and they'll never weaken me .
Y special Notes
.:: to all my friends, saya mau meminta maaf jika ada salah dan silap atau tersalah ckp before atau pun terkasar bhs. (cewah, mcm raya plk. hehe)sy ckp mmg kasar sket dan kadangkala, sy ni mmg suka ckp lepas. jd, sy nk minta maaf kpd sesape yg terasa ek. oh muka sy mmg serius, tp jgn la salah sangka.. sy ni tk sombong org nye. ngehehee.. ;P
.:: and to you, DD .. i always wish you well.. and i hope evrythng's fine and selamat berbahagia. i hope you gonna be a better person and a good muslim, soon, in'Allah..
.:: oh utk sesape shj, jika ada ketidakpuasan terhadap sy, sila hubungi sy terus atau berjumpa sy utk selesai kan masalah anda. no need to be anonymous. just you and me. jgn biarkan penyakit hati anda berleluasa. ok? peace !
have a nice day everyone !
Love .